
Boil, Boil, Toil and...

New years resolutions are universally considered useless. They're little dreams that dreamers eventually forget come Spring - much like nocturnal dreams and the idea of marrying Lance Bass (hey, we were all 14 year olds once). This year, I'm going to turn my world all topsy turvy by actually fulfilling this year's new years resolution. Scoff if you must, but you're looking at the genesis of my 2010 resolution.

Zhee promise:
I, Christine the undersigned, hereby promise to make 3 posts a month for the next twelve months. In Edible Metamorphosis (EM), I want to show how food is a process. Seemingly simple ingredients can be transformed through careful(ish) manipulation to create a completely different product. My paltry panel of readers can expect many photos of EM's mascot (Jung Sa Ya, the 18 lbs. 2 oz. cat), overindulgence, photos + recipes, the occasional witticism, and the downfall of my other new years resolutions - weight loss and thriftiness.

- Ch.

Bon Appétit!

1 comment:

  1. You have here a dedicated reader and cat lady; I can feel closer to both you and the Fat Kitty by replicating your recipes and either going "YAY I COOKED GOOD" or you'll hear some hysterical screaming over the sound of fire truck engines in the background.

    The baking I've got under control still, thanks to my inclination towards. . .being all exact (it's too early to word good).

